Dragon Age Awakening Debug Room – Get Any (and All) Items from the Game in one Place

This will only work on the PC version of the game.

It only works in Awakening (will not work in Origins.)

Set up your Console Commands (covered in another post on this forum and on the Dragon Age Wiki)

Park your Warden outside of the Keep.  This is the best place for them because when you’re done with the Debug Room (or as I like to affectionately call it the “Room of Requirement”) you’ll have the map open up.  It won’t send you to the exact place you left so it’s best to do it from there.

Put in the command runscript zz_fab

This will teleport you into a room full of chests, a “Debug Dude” in case you have any issues with the game itself, all the side quests on boards, and every item in Origins or Awakening at your disposal.  This is great for bugged equipment which goes to sets and won’t drop or just picking up something you may have missed in Origins.  It’s all free and these aren’t shops so yes, this is technically “cheating” but if you feel strongly about it, then don’t use it.  Have fun!

I is for Inebriation (Dragon Age Alphabet Fan Fiction – Alistair / Reginald Cousland)

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Reginald flopped into a chair, and there were aches on top of pains in places on his body which he didn’t know existed. He hadn’t been so bruised since he’d gone flying across the top of Fort Drakon like a skipping stone, and it was going to create a problem with proper celebration for being a hero yet again. The “Mother” was dead, Vigil’s Keep had managed to remain standing, and the only casualty was possibly Oghren. He hoped they didn’t lose the dwarf, and had believe that in spite of his racial resistence to magic he’d pull through the massive injuries earned from felling at least two armored ogres. The tale was growing exponentially with each telling. By the time Reginald had hold of it, the stocky bundle of ale fumes and heart had brought down three of the monstrocities. Being certain to leave it open, he ever mentioned it was “three, perhaps four!” That would please Oghren when he woke.

It wasn’t his latest team who was coming into the Keep dining hall, but someone much more familiar. “Where have you been?” He demanded with uncharacteristic surliness as he flexed his shoulders beneath the battered black leathers. Not only was it possible he’d lose one of his best warriors and friend, he was going to be too sore to follow in the elven lass who he’d been enjoying the company of before he got hauled back out to duty. Feast to famine to feast again, he could hope. He’d never be flexible enough until he was fully recovered, and that left him mildly irritable. There was also the fact the chairs were tall, hard, and doing nothing to help. He should get up, move, clean up his armor, or go up to his quarters. That required too much energy.

Alistair, beard freshly growing longer on his jaw, sat down in the chair across from him. “You were the one who made me king.” There was a light, self mocking tilt on his mouth as he slid Reginald a mug of mead. “It was just a small uprising and possible revolution where people were trying to chop off my head in Anora’s name. I could have used your help, you know.”

His humor worked, but it always had. There were times they kept each other from falling into mutual misery or despair from bad puns and flippant jokes which drove some of the others to distraction. “Are you jealous? Did I go running off to play with the Darkspawn without you?” Reginald could not contain his mirth, but his scraped jaw and split lip hurt. “Next time I shall tell the horde to remain back and play a bit of Wicked Grace so that they can wait for us to go out together.” He managed a lofty wave, then managed to salute his best friend across the table without wincing. “Perhaps they might let me play and I can win all their armor. There would be no need of battle at all then, or it would certainly be much shorter.”

“True.” Grinning at their easy, familiar banter pattern, Alistair took a sip off the top of his beer and wiped the foam aside with the tip of his thumb. Most of the people they’d known had all gone their separate ways, and Alistair had missed him. There were other people, new friends, but nothing could replace the Warden who had gone through him across that year of the Blight. They both knew things would never be the same after the Archdemon was killed. Reginald had responsibilities as the Warden Commander, and Alistair had to grow into the role of being king. It was easier with Reg helping him, because he’d never seen anyone think circles around the nobility like he did. That hadn’t kept things from the inevitable changes from coming. “Aedan,” he lowered his voice to a buzz as he leaned across the table. No one alive knew that was his first name except the two of them. They were brothers in all but birthright, and they shared that. “You did it, you know. You saved Amaranthine, and killed that talking, insane brood mother.” To Reginald’s wearily raised brow of question, he gave a cheerful smirk. “You’re not the only one who likes to talk, you know. I managed to get the story out of a dwarf who insisted she’s dead.” He hadn’t quite understood all of that, and she was very perky for someone who wasn’t alive. “You did it,” he repeated with warm admiration.

“I wish I could have been there to help you with the …” It was difficult to think and he was weary down into the soles of his boots. “That business with the throne.”

“Oh you will, once you’re back on your feet,” Alistair informed him and took an earnest drink from his tankard. “How is Oghren?” he finally asked.

“Unconscious, but recovering. He is far too tough to let a mere ogre be the end of him.” His upbeat attitude and sly grin didn’t fool Alistair. They knew each other too well, and while it might mask his mind from the nobility in court, the king recognized the worry. “He shall be back up with us soon enough. Until then,” he lifted his mug and took a long drink from it. “I am going to get drunk. To Oghren, the Pride of Orzamarr.”

Alistair didn’t argue and silently raised his own. Reg never drank, and considering he had almost been drunk from a small sample of Oghren’s brew, the king had an inkling why. By the time the Hero of Ferelden had gotten to the bottom of his second glass, he was slurring his words, babbling, and laughing at nothing. Looping his arm under the Commander of the Grey’s shoulders, Alistair hefted him to his feet. “Back to your quarters.” The room was still steady enough that he could have walked a straight line, but that didn’t make the stairs easy to navigate. Hearty cheers of appreciation followed the Wardens as he lugged a thoroughly drunk rogue up to bed. Pulling boots off, Alistair wondered when the last time Reg had changed his socks and what he’d been wading through. He probably didn’t want to know, and managed to wrestle his friend out of the heaviest parts of armor.

“Thanks,” Reginald mumbled through a ridiculous grin and flopped onto his side.

Hitting him lightly across the mess of ruddy hair with a pillow, Alistair chuckled. “Sleep it off. There’s going to be a lot to do tomorrow.” When had he become the responsible one? When Aedan made him king. It was a chilling thought, but at least he wouldn’t ever have to do it alone.

* Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, the Toolset and all its characters belong to Bioware and their respective owners. This blog is dedicated to their work with fiction, tutorials, and things to share with other fans.

You may not copy and share this anywhere else online or offline without my written permission. This includes Tumblr, Twitter, magazines, books, collections, blogs, etc. Alistair and the Cousland surname and setting belong to Bioware. Reginald and the story belong to me.

Dragon Age Music Video – Cruxshadows Eye of the Storm

I’m not at all happy about the quality, but I loved the song and loved the Dragon Age images used for it.
I had problems with Windows Movie Maker and really need to learn / purchase a better editing program. It gave me a LOT of problems because of the size. This was all I could do with it for the moment.

This is a tribute to Reginald Cousland and Alistair as the brother Wardens fight the Blight and Alistair grows into becoming king.

Also… my 200th post!

The Alphabet According to Reginald Cousland – F is for Furry Fatuity (Complete Dragon Age Origins Fan Fiction)

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Alphabet Table of Contents

(This is based on OYD’s Nathaniel and his bear.)

After numerous assassination attempts had failed, conspiracies built up against him which deflated miserably, dodging the murder attempt of his entire family, and survived a Joining, Reginald considered himself having generally outlived his life expectancy several times over. It was excusable that when the infernal bear of Nathaniel’s came barreling into the main room of Vigil’s Keep, bawling as if the trash had somehow taken up arms against him, that the Hero of Ferelden nearly leaped out of his armor.

It would have been further understandable had the Warden Commander wrapped his trembling limbs around a ceiling support beam and shook in his small clothes, but he had more poise than that. He settled for nearly dropping the papers he was looking over into the brazier. Unfortunately not a brassiere, which would have been phenomenally more interesting. Or perhaps not, because Nathaniel was yelling at him, and he could not recall the other Warden screaming in anything short of battle cries since he had recruited him four years previously. “We have to do something! You have to do something!”

Deux was rolling about on the floor, waving his paws clumsily in the air, screeching and bawling so loudly that had Reginald not gotten dwarven stone masons to make upgrades before the Mother’s Forces hit, the walls would have cracked. They would have made a fabulous pair with his eardrums, and he covered his ears with his palms, ignoring the papers he dropped on his foot. “What is wrong with that beast?” He had to shout at the top of his lungs to be heard between the Ranger and the squalling ursine.

“He’s no beast, he’s… He must have eaten part of the darkspawn or swallowed their blood!” Nathaniel was trying to wrestle Deux down and command him, but the bear was rolling everywhere, nearly on top of his own master. His howling became even more frantic and pained. “We have to do something!” He was reliving Adria, and how they had been too late to save her. Deux, was a friend, and Nathaniel couldn’t tolerate the thought of losing him, for all the trouble he caused.

“What am I supposed to do?” Reginald barked back, hands still clapped over his ears. “It is not as if I can put him …” Couldn’t he? He and Nathaniel had their differences over Rendon, but they had grown up knowing one another. After he had drug his old acquaintance out of the jail cell and put him through a Joining, it had been rocky, but they had patched fences. Stubborn that he could be, Nathaniel was not a fool, and he eventually realized who and what his father had truly been.

Never let it be said that Reginald Cousland did not go any lengths for friendship. “Keep him calm, I will be back. Trust me,” he belted, “we will try this.”

“Varel!” He yelled in the voice of authority which came from bearing the title of the Commander of the Grey. “We need you this instant!” The good seneschal was not moving as quickly as he did as a young man, but the whole Keep could hear the bear thrashing around and bellowing. If Reginald’s voice didn’t carry, Deux’s certainly would. “Get the Joining chalice and throw the emergency ingredients into it!”

“What?” Varel and Nathaniel demanded in chorus as the older man’s mouth succumbed to gravity. His eyebrows managed to defy it, which was a neat effect, but Commander Cousland did not have the time to admire it. “Do it!”

“You want to put my bear through a Joining?” Nathaniel demanded, “Deux, be still!” he commanded, but the behemoth did not listen, slapping his great paws against his aching, burning belly.

“You are going to lose him if we do not. If it works, he will be like us, and a Warden to the core.” If it meant keeping the “mighty hunter” out of the rubbish bins, Reginald would put him through three Joinings a week, but he did not vocalize that sardonic thought.

“Commander? On the bear?” Varel spluttered, but the lethal look from his superior did not have him hesitate any longer as he jogged into a room next to their main hall, quickly throwing together the premixed and prepared ingredients into the Joining goblet as he had for Nathaniel and many others. He had questioned the idea of Conscription of a prisoner, but bears were clearly the encore performance. Bringing the goblet out, clutched carefully in both hands, he made one last attempt at reason, “Commander, on the bear?”

“Just pour, Varel! Nathaniel, get his mouth open – the bear, not the Seneschal.”

“I know what you meant!” the Ranger snapped with uncharacteristic shortness, as he put his fingers into Deux’s mouth without fear of losing any of them. “Open,” he ordered the thrashing animal, prying his jaws apart. “Deux, open!”

Clearly the Seneschal was less than enthusiastic about getting close, so Reginald snatched the goblet. “Join us brothers and bears for the etc. etc. etc. One day we shall join you.” He poured a generous portion of the bloody contents over Nate’s glove, the bear’s muzzle, and managed to get some into the ursine’s mouth.

“Swallow it,” Nathaniel ordered, although he was pleading and practically holding Deux’s paw. Reginald was beginning to understand why his friend had a cold bed which lacked human company, but the huge, hairy throat jerked twice. Deux’s eyes rolled back into his head and he flopped over onto his back, flailing his hind legs.

Nathaniel put his hand over the bear’s chest and sighed in relief as he sagged down to sit next to the shaggy black hulk of muscle. “He survived.”

Reginald sank down to his knees on the other side and pushed his rust colored hair back from his forehead. “That is a relief.”

“We just…”

“Put a bear through a sacred, secret and time honored Warden tradition of the Joining,” Reginald finished for him, then began to laugh. Nathaniel’s grieved panic had been genuine. He couldn’t allow anything to happen to his friend’s pet, hairy comrade, trash sorter, or whatever function it served. It meant something to Nathaniel. “There is not one dull moment about this place, is there?”

Nathaniel cracked a weak smile, but Varel shook his head emphatically. “Commander, you are going to be the death of me.” He signed, staring at Deux and repeated through an exasperated hiss, “a bear.”

* Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, the Toolset and all its characters belong to Bioware and their respective owners. This blog is dedicated to their work with fiction, tutorials, and things to share with other fans. Deux belongs to Ouyangdan. Nathaniel Howe, Varel, the setting, and the Cousland Surname belong to Bioware. The story, Reginald, and writing belong to me.

You may not copy and share this anywhere else online or offline without my written permission. This includes Tumblr, Twitter, magazines, books, collections, blogs, etc.

Cullen Dragon Age Origins, Awakening, DA2 Music Video

It actually took bits from all three games to stretch material to get enough Cullen for a 3-4 minute music video. I had to get creative to get it to fit the song and also to have enough snippets. Contrary to what a lot of fans believe, Cullen’s hair isn’t red. That’s the lighting in the tower, and if you open his morph file you’ll find his hair is the same color as Alistair’s – light brown. They did lighten it in DA2, so I played around with some mod tints for his skin and hair in Origins to try and make him match for the video. The song is by Cruxshadows and it’s called Valkyrie (Rise of the Walcyrge.) Dreamside Remix

Nathaniel / Sigrun Archer “Tank” Build – Dragon Age Origins Awakening

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More Tips on Building Characters / Favorite Weapons & Armor

I normally buy a Manual of Focus at Vigil’s Keep from the shopkeeper outside with Master Wade to start Sigrun and Nathaniel from scratch. You may be able to build Nathaniel from scratch like this, but I’m not sure. If necessary, use a Manual of Focus on him, too. This build works equally well for either rogue if you want them as an additional “back up” for ranged attacks. As always, this is the build which works best for me. I’ve played on all settings except Nightmare so far, and had good luck with it. It might vary some for you, particularly if you’re on the XboX or PS3. I’m going to use Nathaniel for my example.

Here’s Nathaniel’s stats without any equipment right before going against The Mother at the end of the game. He leveled several times before the end of the game, but I didn’t have a handy save game to get his stats from that late. This is right before the point of no return when you decide to either defend the Keep or Amaranthine. He was stripped of all equipment to get this, so these are his base stats.


Obviously you’ll want to fill out his archery that’s what we’re building him to be. Remove all dual wield (that build is covered over here in another post.)


The Rogue talents are very important and help make dodge, block, and function as a Rogue.


Specializations are flexible – you may have better luck with Duelist or other choices than I do. I recommend Legionaire Scout as one for the bonuses it gives. Personally, I like Assassin to help weaken opponents, but Shadow I very seldom use. I put points into it just to have somewhere to put them and occasionally find it useful.


Nathaniel gets extra Cunning as a plot bonus if your Warden can get his Approval all the way up.



Combat Training is a must on any character to make the attacks more effective and keep your attacks from being interrupted. I normally put Stealing on the Rogue who is with my group for pick pocketing, but you may want those points elsewhere. Poison will allow you to use the various grenades, for instance, and you might make better use of that. My Survival, Poison, and and stealing were just somewhere to put left over points.

I seldom, if ever, use Combat Tactics but some people have this down to a fine art. I tend to flip back and forth between party members manually, but if you prefer the strategy of using them or need them, put some of the “extras” in that area.


I go ahead and take Toughness and Focus to improve his physical resilience as well as help him concentrate. Focus seems to be more important to a mage, but I had the points to spend, so I went ahead and filled that out for him, too.


Equipment: I equipped Nathaniel in the Juggernaut set, although that’s pretty heavy for a rogue. The Blackblade set is excellent, although PC users can’t get the whole thing without a mod. If it’s bugged on the console, I don’t know. You also get it late in the game. There’s other lighter sets which will work for him.

See my list of favorite weapons and equipment if you’re curious what I like to use.

Combat Tactics: My combat tactics are usually really simple. I pick out the targets that give me the most trouble (magic users, archers, high ranking, etc.) and have him cycle through his special attacks. Rain of Arrows is by far the most powerful of the archer’s attacks, and works wonders for wiping out large groups. Other attacks are also useful for pinning, taking out single targets (or weakening them) so I basically just use what he has at his command by switching over to him. If that doesn’t work for you, preprogram his combat tactics to cycle through or to have him attack specific targets that give you the most trouble.

* Dragon Age Origins, the Toolset and all its characters belong to Bioware and their respective owners. This blog is dedicated to their work with fiction, tutorials, and things to share with other fans.

The actual content of this blog, however, is created by me. Please do not copy it in whole or part without a link back. You don’t need my permission to paraphrase, share links, or borrow any of my content. After all, it’s dedicated to Dragon Age. You can borrow it word per word or right off the page if if you give me credit by linking back to my blog. It only takes a second, it’s appreciated, and that’s all I ask.

Nathaniel NPC Dual Wield “Tank” Build Dragon Age Origins Awakening

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More Tips on Building Characters / Favorite Weapons & Armor

In order to make Nathaniel a proper dual wield rogue, you’ll have to buy a Manual of Focus at Vigil’s Keep from the shopkeeper outside with Master Wade. You may be able to build Sigrun from scratch like this, but I’m not sure. If necessary, use a Manual of Focus on her, too. This build works equally well for either rogue if you want them as an additional “tank” on the front lines with your Warriors. As always, this is the build which works best for me. I’ve played on all settings except Nightmare so far, and had good luck with it. It might vary some for you, particularly if you’re on the XboX or PS3. I’m going to use Nathaniel for my example.

Here’s Nathaniel’s stats without any equipment right before going against The Mother at the end of the game.



Obviously you’ll want to fill out his dual wield because that’s what we’re building him to be. Remove all archery (I’ll cover that build in another post.)


The Rogue talents are very important and help make him unique from the dual wield Warrior. I fill those in quickly, too.

Specializations are flexible – you may have better luck with Duelist or other choices than I do. I recommend Legionaire Scout as one for the bonuses it gives. Personally, I like Assassin to help weaken opponents, but Shadow I very seldom use. I put points into it just to have somewhere to put them and occasionally find it useful.




Combat Training is a must on any character to make the attacks more effective and keep your attacks from being interrupted. I normally put Stealing on the Rogue who is with my group for pick pocketing, but you may want those points elsewhere. Poison will allow you to use the various grenades, for instance, and you might make better use of that. My Survival, Poison, and Combat Tactics were just somewhere to put left over points.


I go ahead and take Toughness and Focus to improve his physical resilience as well as help him concentrate. Focus seems to be more important to a mage, but I had the points to spend, so I went ahead and filled that out for him, too.


By befriending your Rogues in Awakening or Origins, you will inspire Massive Cunning (or Dexterity depending on which one you’re dealing with.) Nathaniel gets Cunning.


Equipment: I equipped Nathaniel in the Juggernaut set, although that’s pretty heavy for a rogue. The Blackblade set is excellent, although PC users can’t get the whole thing without a mod. If it’s bugged on the console, I don’t know. You also get it late in the game. There’s other lighter sets which will work for him, but because I’m putting him at the front of the attack, I put him in heavier armor than usual.

Swords: Dumat’s Spine and Kallak
Amulet: High Regard of House Dace
Belt: Girdle of Kal’Hirol
Rings: Tingler, Key to the City

Combat Tactics: My combat tactics are usually really simple. I pick out the targets that give me the most trouble (magic users, archers, high ranking, etc.) and have him cycle through his special attacks. I very seldom use Momentum or Dual Striking with him.

* Dragon Age Origins, the Toolset and all its characters belong to Bioware and their respective owners. This blog is dedicated to their work with fiction, tutorials, and things to share with other fans.

The actual content of this blog, however, is created by me. Please do not copy it in whole or part without a link back. You don’t need my permission to paraphrase, share links, or borrow any of my content. After all, it’s dedicated to Dragon Age. You can borrow it word per word or right off the page if if you give me credit by linking back to my blog. It only takes a second, it’s appreciated, and that’s all I ask.

Awakening Bow Rogue “Tank” Build Dragon Age Origins

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Other Classes and NPCs / Detailed Information on Equipment used and how to get it.

Please note: Playing DA:O on the PC and on the PS3 / XBOX can be a totally different experience. PC players are able to pause in the middle of combat, swing the camera around for new views, select targets, and order the characters to do something when you unpause the game. PS3 players must rely more on their combat tactics because they don’t have that option. I’ve never played on the XBOX so I can’t speak for it. I’m guessing it’s more like PS3. These tactics may not work at all for a console player.

This was written up for a character on the Easy setting.

The Rogue Archer “Tank”

This is the same Rogue from here which I played through to Awakening. I used a Manual of Focus, however. (A book which is sold by Herren outside of Vigil’s Keep and allows you to take all the points you’ve earned and put them anywhere you want just like a new character.)

Mods used: None that would impact game play. I only used added hair styles, dyed armor and things like that.

As always, this worked as a great “tank” build for me. Your playing style and tastes may vary. If you ask 20 people how they play this game, you’ll probably get 20 different answers to which way is the best. I’m just sharing my experience in hope it might help someone else who has the same love of Dragon Age.

Stats before killing the Mother (without equipment)


This technically was a hybrid Rogue build, but the archery in Awakening suited me much more than it did in Origins. It could be my playing style or that I didn’t build her as strongly as possible, but I ended up relying as much on her swords as her bow by the time we reached the Archdemon. In Awakening, however, I almost exclusively used a bow. There was less than a half dozen times she was so badly swarmed with enemies that I switched over to her blades. I did switch back and forth when killing the Mother so my archery talents had time to recharge. I’d trade them off and while duel wield cooled down, I’d use archery. While archery cooled down, I’d duel wield.

Obviously you’ll want to max out the Archery first.


Once that was done, I went ahead and maxed out her duel wield skills in the rare occasion I needed them. If you’d rather place some of these points in Shadow, Legionarie Scout, Stealth, or the special Rogue skills offered in Awakening, then this area is flexible. As I said, I didn’t use the blades very much in Awakening and other things may work better for you.


I took one point of Legionarie for the benefits

I chose to max out Assassin, but you may want that elsewhere. Things like Dirty Fighting, Evasion, and basic Rogue skills I think are important to this build. You’ll frequently see your Warden automatically keep from getting hit. If you have someone on top of you doling out damage, you can hit them with Dirty Fighting and run. These tend to be useful. I also like to be able to open locked chests. If someone else in the party does that or it isn’t your thing, then shuffle your points to somewhere that’s more useful.


Combat Training is a must for any Warden in my opinion. I chose stealing because she’s a Rogue and I picked a lot of pockets. Survival was just a place to put points. The only time I really used it was when I calmed down a sick Mabari and Nathaniel gave some approval points for it because it belonged to an old friend of his. Either that or he’s a dog person.


Runes was a personal choice because I liked making runes to help my team. It was much less trouble when it’s on the main character so I didn’t have to go running back and forth inside the keep. If an NPC has rune crafting you have to go back in the Keep to buy supplies then go back out so the party member can be used, and do that every time you run out of supplies. If it’s on the Warden you can do your runes right in the Keep with the shop handy.

Toughness and Clarity are both useful to have on nearly any Warden and I recommend those.


My tactics on playing this Warden were fairly simple. I would let Anders stun groups into place with Mass Paralyzation or Blood Magic and if I could, then hit them with Hail of Arrows. I kept Accuracy on almost full time, and ran through her different bow attacks. If there was a knot coming toward me, I fired off Scattershot to stun them. This helped Justice and Nathaniel get into the middle between Warden and enemies. If an enemy got too close, I’d use dirty fighting. If I had a mob, I’d fire Burst Shot. Pinning Shot kept them off my back if I had to run, and Critical Shot still did admirable damage.

I kept her armed with the various specialty arrows like Arrow of Fire, Ice, Filth, etc. to give her a little more damage.

In the end, she was doing a decent amount of damage.


Warden’s Equipment:

Sorrows of Arlathan Bow
On a weapon swap: Blightblood and Duncan’s Sword
Helm of Honnleath
Fingers of the Nimble
Battledress of the Provocateur
Feet of the Nimble (I broke the set for the Battledress. I liked what it did better, even with a set bonus.)
Panacea Belt
Spellward Amulet
Ring of Ages
Seal of Rat the Red (ring)

The Team:

Anders was my mage, but either mage will work. I used a Manuel of Focus on him to put his spells and skills how I wanted them. (Posts for companions can be found on my blog. It would be much too long to put it here.)

I equipped him with:
Spellfury staff
Torque of the Oblivious helm
Oven Mitts gloves
Vestments of the Seer or Reaper’s Vestment Robes (either worked well for me on him.)
Firestomper boots
Sash of the Forbidden Secrets
Fox’s Pendant (came with him)
Ring set – Earthbound and Soulbound

Justice was my main tank, but if you prefer him, Oghren is also a great choice (although built differently.)

I equipped him with:
Sentinel Set
Heartwood Shield with Aeducan Heraldry (there’s some kind of glitch which adds +20 to their Constitution if you use that Heraldry.)
Creationist’s Cord belt
Aneirin’s Token (amulet)
Rings – Mark of the Divine and Livegiver

Nathaniel was my second “tank” but if you prefer Sigrun, she’ll also work just as well. I used a Manual of Focus on him to make him a duel wield fighter rather than use a bow. I was doing that, myself.

I equipped him with:
Juggernaut set
Kallak and Dumat’s Spine Swords
Girdle of Kal’Hirol
High Regard of House Dace amulet
Rings – Tingler and Worn Golden Ring (which he came with. There’s probably better rings and I forgot to swap it.)

Combat Tactics:

The only person I actually activated these on was Anders. Here’s how I had him set up.

(This is a thumbnail. To see the full size image, you must click on it.)


* Dragon Age Origins, the Toolset and all its characters belong to Bioware and their respective owners. This blog is dedicated to their work with fiction, tutorials, and things to share with other fans.

The actual content of this blog, however, is created by me. Please do not copy it in whole or part without a link back. You don’t need my permission to paraphrase, share links, or borrow any of my content. After all, it’s dedicated to Dragon Age. You can borrow it word per word or right off the page if you give me credit by linking back to my blog. It only takes a second, it’s appreciated, and that’s all I ask.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening Builds – Mage “Tank” Version 2

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Other Classes and NPCs / Detailed Information on Equipment used and how to get it.

This post does contain spoilers for Awakening – like who will be in your party. If that bothers you, please don’t read any more.

This was the first character I got all the way through Awakenings, and really had no trouble with her played on Easy. The Mother was a little tough, but I didn’t have the best equipment due to missing a lot of the sidequests.

I’m going to share her basic stats as they would have been done if I played her now for a better “tank” in Awakening.

There isn’t much difference between this build and my Awakening Arcane Warrior except for race (this is an elf, she was human.) The way I played her and the team I used was a little bit different, so I made them 2 different posts.

This is my Version #2 of the extension for this build.

I play on the PC so console play with an XBoX or PS3 may vary slightly. I also played this character on the Easy setting (yes, I’m a wimp, don’t judge me 😉 ) so your tactics may differ on more difficult settings.

There’s definitely more than one way to do this, but I’m sharing my experiences in what worked as a “tank” for me in Awakening.

When getting ready to export your character, go ahead and completely strip everyone in your camp. Even when Oghren reappears in Awakening, he comes complete with a set of equipment, so there’s no need to leave it on him in Origins. Sell it all off, but keep any left over Gifts you have. Even if they were once specific to a certain NPC in Origins (like Morrigan’s mirror or Leliana’s Andraste’s grace), you’ll be able to give the people away in Awakening for Approval.

Do keep some equipment on hand for various NPCs. You’ll have the same kinds of people in Awakening as you do in Origins – Rogues, Mages, and Warriors. Keep the top of the line stuff in your inventory. Don’t worry if it’s pretty full. You get an actual storage chest at your “base” in Awakening (unlike Origins), so you can store extras. You can also sell it off if you decide you don’t need it.

I actually opened Origins and made a save file called “Export” to get my Warden ready for Awakening. Some things transfer and some things don’t. Here’s my list if you want to look at a post I made for it.

Here were her basic stats leaving Origins (without any equipment.) I normally send my Mages in either wearing Wades Superior Dragonbone with some mage gloves, possibly boots, Vestment of the Seer, or Reaper’s Vestment.


I used a Manual of Focus on her to get rid of things like Survival and Stealing in favor of Toughness and Focus.

Here were her stats at the final battle before the final boss (wearing equipment – some of it bad. You’ll have better results using the armor I actually list.)




I still took 1 in Arcane Warrior so she could wear armor rather than just robes. While there are some excellent robes in the game, I liked the option of armor for the really tough battles to let her take physical abuse when she got pounded or mobbed.

The top line under “Mage” can be substituted if you have better luck with glyphs, curses, or something which I don’t normally use in the Easy mode.

Spirit Healer is self explanatory as she was the only healer in the group. I have Revive for when things get particularly difficult and occasionally have to use that on the final bosses.


Battlemage was something I found very handy. Two of them were passive, and I ran with Elemental Mastery on at all times to boost her damage with elemental attacks. One of the others blasts a ring of cold out from the casters body which will freeze enemies in place as well as damage them – so you have time to get away from them if you’re mobbed.





As always I kept my 5 in Combat Training to keep spells from being interrupted and 5 in Coercion.

If you don’t care about persuading or intimidating people, then you can put those points into Poisons, Herbalism, Runes, or anywhere of your choice – it’s flexible.



Focus is particularly important for the Mages, but I also maxed her Toughness. Again, there’s just times I wanted her to be able to take a physical hit, and there wasn’t really anywhere else I wanted the points.



Equipment: Spellfury staff, Torque of the Oblivious, Firestomper boots, oven mitts gloves, sash of forbidden secrets, Golem Shell armor (with Paragon Hale Runes in all slots. Did I mention I like her to be able to be beat up and keep going…? Thought I might have. If you can keep your Warden out of the way because you’re not the clutz I am with a mouse, you can use different runes.)

Her Team:

Oghren: Key to the City, Mark of the Divine (ring), One for the Ditch belt (this boosts his constitution and physical resistance so a lot of time I just leave it on him), Summer Sword, Juggernaut Set. Paragon Hale Runes in the armor slots, various damage runes in his weapon rune slots.

He waded in and kicked butt like he loves to do.

Justice (my secondary meat shield so he had the best equipment): Vigilance sword (one handed), Sentinel Armor Set, Heartwood shield, Illumination amulet, Seal of Rat the Red, Corin’s Proposal. I didn’t do much with his tactics and let left him mainly on the default. Paragon Hale Runes in his armor, various damage runes in his weapon rune slots.

Nathaniel: Blightblood, Blackblade set (cannot be completed on the PC but thankfully there is a mod which will fix the bug), Dumat’s Spine, Magister’s Cinch, High Regard of House Dace (amulet), Sleeper, and Tingler rings. Paragon Hale Runes in his armor, various damage runes in his weapon rune slots. If you don’t want to use the Blackblade set, the Battledress of the Provocateur combined with good rogue boots and gloves can also work.

Nate had a manual of focus used on him to turn him into a duel wield rogue rather than an archer. He also helped run interference surprisingly well. He and Sigrun can be quite tough, too. His tactics were set to being much more aggressive and make use of his special rogue attacks.

* Dragon Age Origins, the Toolset and all its characters belong to Bioware and their respective owners. This blog is dedicated to their work with fiction, tutorials, and things to share with other fans.

The actual content of this blog, however, is created by me. Please do not copy it in whole or part without a link back. You don’t need my permission to paraphrase, share links, or borrow any of my content. After all, it’s dedicated to Dragon Age. You can borrow it word per word or right off the page if you give me credit by linking back to my blog. It only takes a second, it’s appreciated, and that’s all I ask.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening Builds – Mage “Tank” Version 1

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Other Classes and NPCs / Detailed Information on Equipment used and how to get it.

This post does contain spoilers for Awakening – like who will be in your party. If that bothers you, please don’t read any more.

This is my Version #1 of the extension for this build. I went with a true Arcane Warrior with her and used a 2nd mage as a back up in her party as healer and secondary spell caster. There will be another version posted later, as well as list(s) of my favorite equipment for Awakening. So many posts… so little time…

I used this mod to just cut the animation of taking weapons out and returning them. It didn’t seem to change the game play on Easy. It might make a difference in a harder mode, but I’m just now going into Normal. If mods are impossible because you’re console or just not for you, then it’s not critical. I just used it and suggest it if that animation effect also annoys you.

I play on the PC so console play with an XBoX or PS3 may vary slightly. I also played this character on the Easy setting (yes, I’m a wimp, don’t judge me 😉 ) so your tactics may differ on more difficult settings.

There’s definitely more than one way to do this, but I’m sharing my experiences in what worked as a “tank” for me in Awakening.

When getting ready to export your character, go ahead and completely strip everyone in your camp. Even when Oghren reappears in Awakening, he comes complete with a set of equipment, so there’s no need to leave it on him in Origins. Sell it all off, but keep any left over Gifts you have. Even if they were once specific to a certain NPC in Origins (like Morrigan’s mirror or Leliana’s Andraste’s grace), you’ll be able to give the people away in Awakening for Approval.

Do keep some equipment on hand for various NPCs. You’ll have the same kinds of people in Awakening as you do in Origins – Rogues, Mages, and Warriors. Keep the top of the line stuff in your inventory. Don’t worry if it’s pretty full. You get an actual storage chest at your “base” in Awakening (unlike Origins), so you can store extras. You can also sell it off if you decide you don’t need it.

I actually opened Origins and made a save file called “Export” to get my Warden ready for Awakening. Some things transfer and some things don’t. Here’s my list if you want to look at a post I made for it.

Stats when going to the final battle in Awakening:




I like to be persuasive… if you don’t, you can trade these for herbalism, poisons, toughness, or something else which will help you out more.


5 in combat training is a good choice. This helps keep your spells from being interrupted.

I chose 5 in Runes for sake of ease. You can put that on another character you don’t plan to take to the end if you’d rather not waste your points. This can be a little irritating when you have to select the person and walk out of the Keep with your supplies, make the runes, then keep walking in and out to buy more because the inventory only holds so much. To get the Paragon Hale Runes I used, I had to make a mind boggling amount of trips in earlier plays. You could also use a Manual of Focus to remake your mage after doing the runes if you wanted to do that.

The Runes are optional, but Focus is obviously a very good one for a mage. Toughness actually isn’t a bad choice, either, but I sacrificed it in favor of the Rune crafting.



Obviously I took all 5 in Arcane Warrior.

The second row was very handy. 2 of them were passive, and I ran with Elemental Mastery on at all times to boost her damage with elemental attacks.


Battlemage was also a favorite, particularly hand of winter combined with Elemental Mastery. It threw out a ring of cold which would stun enemies as well as damage them without being a mana hog.

I never found a lot of use for glyphs in general, but if you do find them helpful, you may want to switch some of these spells around for the row which is empty on mine.





I have detailed descriptions of equipment. Here is my team and what they were wearing:

Warden: Duncan’s sword (I left the best equipment to Justice so he could be out front keeping things busy), Rock Knocker, Oven mitts, Golem Shell Armor (3 Paragon Hale Runes), Cailan’s Greaves (for the help dodging), Ring of Ages, Soulbound, Spellward, Girdle of Kal’Hirol, and Fade Wall shield. A good alternate would be the Spellweaver sword. On the PC an Arcane Warrior cannot duel wield 2 swords. I’ve heard on the PS3 you can, but I didn’t get a chance to confirm that.

She spent about half her time down in the middle of the fight and even got some decapitations in. The other half, she stood back. She’d start out with a spell like fireball then go in to use closer range spells. This can be dangerous on other difficulties where friendly fire is possible, or you can just have your other mage heal them if you fry someone on accident. Life is tough in Ferelden…

Anders: Spellfury, Torque of the Oblvious, Spirit of the Wood (gloves), Venture armor (3 Paragon Hale Runes), Creationist’s cord, Talisman of Restoration, Silver Cog, Lifegiver.

He was in the background with tactics like chain lightning, healing, and area of effect spells.

Justice (my main meat shield so he had the best stuff in the game): Vigilance sword (one handed), Sentinel Armor Set, Heartwood shield, Illumination amulet, Seal of Rat the Red, Corin’s Proposal. I didn’t do much with his tactics and let left him mainly on the default.

Nathaniel: Blightblood, Juggernaut set, Dumat’s Spine, Magister’s Cinch, Nature’s Blessing (amulet), Sleeper, and Tingler rings. Nate had a manual of focus used on him to turn him into a duel wield rogue rather than an archer. He also helped run interference surprisingly well. He and Sigrun can be quite tough, too. His tactics were set to being much more aggressive and make use of his special rogue attacks.

* Dragon Age Origins, the Toolset and all its characters belong to Bioware and their respective owners. This blog is dedicated to their work with fiction, tutorials, and things to share with other fans.

The actual content of this blog, however, is created by me. Please do not copy it in whole or part without a link back. You don’t need my permission to paraphrase, share links, or borrow any of my content. After all, it’s dedicated to Dragon Age. You can borrow it word per word or right off the page if you give me credit by linking back to my blog. It only takes a second, it’s appreciated, and that’s all I ask.